Class StackPackageAccessor Class

Provides access to the prerendered stack images in a LightFieldPackage.


Public methodStackPackageAccessor(LightFieldPackage) Initializes new instance of the StackPackageAccessor class.


Public propertyHasContent Gets whether any files are present in the package.
Public propertyHasExceptions Gets whether any exceptions occured during initialization.
Public propertyHasParallaxStack Gets whether the package contains a parallax stack.
Public propertyHasRefocusStack Gets whether the package contains a refocus stack.
Public propertyMetadata Gets metadata of the package.
Public propertyPackage Gets the LightFieldPackage associated with this accessor.


Public methodGetExceptions() Gets the list of exceptions that occured during initialization.
Public methodGetDepthLutComponent() Gets the LightFieldComponent for depth lookup table.
Public methodGetParallaxMetadata() Gets the parallax stack metadata.
Public methodGetRefocusMetadata() Gets the refocus stack metadata.
Public methodThrowIfExceptionsOccured() Throws the first exception that occured during initialization, if any.