Class RefocusStackAcceleration Class

Represents Lytro's refocus acceleration data.

Nested types:

Nested typeDepthTable Represents a depth lookup table
Nested typeImage Represents an entry in the collection of prerendered images.
Nested typeImageCollection Represents a collection of Image objects.
Nested typeBlockImage Represents an entry in the block of prerendered images.
Nested typeBlockImageCollection Represents a collection of BlockImage objects.


Public methodRefocusStackAcceleration() Initializes a new instance of the RefocusStackAcceleration class.
Public methodRefocusStackAcceleration(LytroRefocusStack) Initializes a new instance of the RefocusStackAcceleration class with an existing LytroRefocusStack storage.


Public propertyBlockImages Gets the collection of prerendered images in a block.
Public propertyHasBlockImages Gets the presence of image collection in a block accessible by BlockImages.
Public propertyHasImages Gets the presence of image collection accessible by Images.
Public propertyLookupTable Gets or sets the lookup table properties.
Public propertyDefaultLambda Gets or sets the initial focus depth.
Public propertyImages Gets the collection of prerendered images.
Public propertyDisplayHeight Gets or sets the prerendered images height.
Public propertyDisplayWidth Gets or sets the prerendered images width.
Public propertyGenerator Gets or sets the parallax generator.