Class LytroNetClientPortableBase Class

Provides common methods for sending data to and receiving data from a Lytro camera over network connection.


Public propertyDownloadBufferSize Gets or sets the maximum buffer size for download.
Public propertyUploadBufferSize Gets or sets the maximum buffer size for upload.


Public methodFileExists(String) Determines whether the specified file exists on camera.
Public methodDownloadFile(String) Downloads a file from the camera.
Public methodDownloadPicture(String, LoadPictureFormat) Downloads a picture from the camera.
Public methodDownloadPictureRawJpeg(String) Downloads a picture from the camera in the RawPackedJpegCompressed format.
Public methodGetFileLength(String) Determines size of the specified file on camera.
Public methodGetBatteryLevel() Gets the camera's current battery level (as percentage).
Public methodDownloadCalibrationData() Downloads calibration data minimum from the camera.
Public methodGetCameraTime() Gets the camera's current date and time.
Public methodSetCameraTime(DateTimeOffset) Sets the camera's current date and time.
Public methodGetHardwareInfo() Gets the basic information about the camera.
Public methodDownloadPictureList() Gets a list of pictures available on the camera.
Public methodTakePicture() Triggers the camera's shutter.


Public constantMaximumBufferSize Maximum buffer size the camera is able to allocate.


Public eventProgressChanged Occurs during downloading data from or uploading data to the camera.